
SEIFSA Corporate Video

Lesson’s were learnt in the making of this video, and what this project taught most was how product is a process. While it’s true that sometimes an idea flashes at you so completely that it implies the final product, more often an idea gains traction while you’re working on it.

Simple as this corporate video is, many people worked on it. Melissa and I beat out a good creative brief and the prep went along as prep does. The idea was to show simplicity for an organization that’s inherently complex. SEIFSA is a federation of many associations so it’s companies upon companies. Many people needed to contribute to this project because there was a variety of perspectives to consider. And you only have to put together two creatives to know that’s a process!

Such an irony since corporate videos essentially need to show reliability. It’s because running a business is about stability so people who do, the target audience in this case, have a vested interest in how that’s done. That implies goals, and goals look to the future. You’ll notice then that the management interviews are about exercising authority over the uncertainty that future brings. That too is a process, one that unwittingly flows into the creative process.

Enter Murphy! An intense shoot later, my editor Nadira and I were left with quite a job. She built the framework from the script and we were then faced with how to tackle it. I remember that conversation. Either she had a constructive idea or had to trust me directing her. It’s a typical creative conversation because we all trust our own visions, but I think this video got life breathed into it through our collaboration.

And that’s the lesson that sums up this whole project: that if you process the lot of us together, what you get is the product of us. And what is creativity but a reflection of that?


Skills:  Videos

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SEIFSA Corporate Video - White Tea Studios
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