SEIFSA Awards For Excellence 2017
I’m a big fan of compounded creativity. Talented artists in the design community inspire me with their work and that’s how the concept to these videos was born. The first is the videolog that highlights what happened at the SEIFSA Awards for Excellence 2017, which obviously was made after the second video which was used to kick off the event.
The idea was to present to the audience, people who worked in the industry every day, a portrait of themselves. Showing them what their peers achieved, how it was done and why, fosters a sense of community, and who doesn’t want to participate when there are A-players to learn from?
I find that corporate videos generally lack in terms of drama. They deliver information clearly and concisely, are usually very well produced, but shy away from engaging the audience emotionally. It ends up as the type of video you’ll watch for work but not out of interest. To me, people still transact emotionally so I shaped the material into a basic subjective story arc. From the feedback, it did inspire.
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