
99 Names

The crazy ideas I had in my portfolio were just not going to fly when I presented for this commission. The referral came from a designer who’d created a traditional home ambiance but needed something to express those wholesome values in a way that didn’t make the client’s lounge look like a country barn.

Inventing a few templates to articulate an unsymmetrical pattern, I like how this composition contrasts negative and positive space. The palette is also reduced to drastic contrasts and Naples yellow is still my favourite tinting agent for a glow, a lovely trick I learnt from William Powell.

The client was articulate and proud of her values, which I kinda understood her as an enigma of my mother’s generation. You know, beehive buns and swank, so that’s how I translated the visuals.

If you’re wondering what this is a picture of, google the ’99 names of Allah’. It’s the equivalent of the trinity being aspects of God in Christianity, or even closer, the idea from ancient Eastern religions that God is a composite of many qualities.



Skills:  Pictures

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99 Names - White Tea Studios
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